Benny's Project


Dear Rusi Dalal   cc: Tony Madeira

PROJECT TMRDBDS Monitored by Benny

As mentioned earlier, whilst on holiday in Zanzibar, I made a trip to view the Parsi graveyard where Tony was kind to show me all the associated problems and work needed to be done. I took some photographs added below.

The walls at the back are in a bad state and the side wall on the left has fallen down and would need attention at a later date. The solid METAL fence leading to the graveyard is made of solid wide strips of metal and is in good shape other than having to be clean the rust, some panels made straight and painted. It is a great barrier between the building and the graveyard which will remain well protected.

Tony has undertaken to handle the project and will provide photographs of work being carried out first of all a tidy up of all the bushes and weeds followed by cleaning the tombstones.
Tony has promised to forward photographs of work being done at various stages which I will add to this blog spot set up as a private blog just to show progress as work is done to the value of £500. (Some funds remain for on-going maintenance).

Once the basic work is done, there will be an ongoing maintenance of clearing weeds etc., and depending on how the funds last, Tony will advise what is next to be done.

The first stage is to make the Parsi graveyard respectable for members and relatives who visit Zanzibar.

(Tony has advised me today he has sent me some photographs which I have not seen and am chasing which I will add to this blog titled TMRDBDS which stands for TonyMadeira RusiDalal and BennyDeSouza. I have kept this blogspot address with initials so that nobody can access this project easily but Rusi is free to release link to his special friends and relatives as he pleases. This site is not for general release and if Rusi decides this blog should be removed, I will action immediately.

The reason I have setup this blogspot is to keep in place all progress development. I will monitor progress and I have no doubts Tony will do all within his powers to see this project through to satisfaction.

Will be in touch soon.



Hi Benito , 
Hope all well at your end we have finished the first stage of the grave yard today on St Francis Xavier feast. 
I am sending you all the snaps but I am putting a copy to John in case you dont get the snaps from me I am ataching to john he send them to you. 
Sorry I dont know why you dont get them so I tried to send one to John and he got them. 
Rgds Tony

= = = = = = = = = = = 

Hi Tony,

Many thanks for your email messages sent today and all received fine with a couple of photographs and a short video clip. I have no problems receiving your emails and yesterday John sent me your first photograph which was the only one I did not get and inf act did not even get your email. Now all looks find and I am posting progress of the work done so far. Very good start much appreciated.

Tony please number photographs each time sent to avoid duplication. Hope the dead waste grass is removed, perhaps burnt outside the graveyard where there is plenty of open space. 

Please check I have all the photos you sent and I would suggest since you use your smartphone to take photos, if you stand on the Left of the graveyard and take a snap across than from the Right, may cover the entire graveyard giving a better overview of the work actioned. Thanks. 


Regards Benny